Equip your team with custom work bags that look just as professional as they are durable. A quality work bag can complete a work uniform and create a consistent brand image. With our customisable work bags, you don’t have to let any detail ruin your chances of making a great first impression with clients and customers. From simple canvas totes and drawstring bags, to travel bags and laptop cases, we have a wide range of work bags suitable for virtually every industry and role.
Our work bags cover all occasions and events, so you can easily find something to fit your team. A custom laptop bag can help create a more professional first impression when meeting customers or partners. Our tote bags come in several sizes and styles, and are perfect for corporate events such as conferences and trade shows. For more casual occasions, our drawstring bags are simple yet durable, and can be customised for any event. Our backpacks are great for day trips and short overnight trips, while our travel bags and holdalls are ideal for overseas travel and training programs.
All of our work bags can be customised to fit your branding, either with a straightforward logo or a more elaborate design. We offer a selection of colours, but can also create virtually any design through our bespoke workwear service. We use a range of printing and embroidery techniques to ensure you receive the best possible finish on your designs at the best possible price. Before we confirm your order, we will provide mock-ups and advise you on the best way to customise your bags depending on what you will be using them for.